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Pacific Center Mid-August Dispatch: all our latest news!

Pacific Center for Human Growth

In this newsletter: Thank you to Tiphane Fund of East Bay Community Foundation, and Gay Chemists Support Fund of Horizons Foundation. Upcoming Grand Re-Opening. Current Employment Opportunities. Upcoming Events.

Moving Next Week, with Gratitude for our Funders!

First, we would like to announce that our big move is happening this coming week, and we will be in our new space soon! Thank you to The Tiphane Fund at East Bay Community Foundation and The Gay Chemists Support Fund of Horizons Foundation for graciously funding our move. We couldn’t have managed this transition without the support of these generous donors, and we are truly grateful.

Open House/Grand Re-Opening - Save the Date!

We invite everyone to attend our Grand Re-Opening event! Save the date: Friday, October 13th, 2023. More details to come soon.

Clinical Director Position: is responsible for implementing, evaluating, and collaborating with other staff to ensure the effectiveness, relevancy, and sustainability of the Pacific Center’s Clinical Services, which includes the robust clinical training program. Clinic Director reports directly to the Executive Director and supervises a diverse staff consisting of licensed clinicians and support staff who provide program delivery. These programs include the clinical training program (16-36 in school and post-graduate masters and doctoral level clinicians), as well as volunteer and contracted clinical supervisors.

Intake Specialist: reports to the Senior Intake and Quality Assurance Manager (IQA) in support of intake processes at Pacific Center’s Clinic (the Clinic) and community programs; welcoming clients to the center, client registration, client assignments (as needed), waitlist and caseload management, and supporting training and orientation process. The Intake Specialist collaborates across the agency to ensure that client referrals and intakes are completed in alignment with State and County guidelines and reporting requirements, and Pacific Center’s Mission, Values, and Diversity Equity & Inclusion Initiatives.

Older Adult Program Manager: provides programmatic and clinical support and supervision for the various parts of Pacific Center’s programming for LGBTQ+ older adults. This program provides therapeutic support groups, led by Clinical Interns and trained peer facilitators, and occasional short term case management. Program participants with severe mental illness (SMI) can be offered additional support by way of linkage and referrals for any additional needed services.

Front Desk Admin (FDA): is responsible for the general reception duties of the Center and provides light clerical support for other staff members.

Please visit this link for more information on each listing and information on how to apply.

Participate in Our Community Luminaries Room Sponsorship Program at our New Space!

One of the exciting ways you can fill an unmet need, make a lasting impact and leave a legacy is by sponsoring the naming of rooms in our new space. We’re excited to launch our Community Luminaries Room Sponsorship Program: By participating, you will help us decide what to name our spaces, and your fund, business or organization will receive acknowledgement on signage in our building. Please contact Christopher, our Board President, if you’d like more information on this opportunity.

Also, we still have some move-related projects that are unfunded:

  • Three Owls or other hybrid units to outfit our meeting rooms for hybrid services: ~$4000 for project

  • Three wall monitors for meeting spaces: ~$1900 for project

  • Two computer stations for our youth space: ~$3500 for project

If you’d like to make a donation earmarked for one of these projects, please drop Lasara a note and they will get in touch to discuss which project(s) you want to fund, and set up your donation.

Upcoming Events:

Come join us at the East Bay's premier LGBTQ+ Pride Race, EBFRW's 19th Annual Pride Run and Walk! They are offering both in-person and virtual options, with running and walking events. The Center will support them as runners or as volunteers! If you’d like to join as runner or volunteer, please contact:

Oakland Pride/fest: Sept 10, 2023

Join us this year at Oakland Pride and Pridefest Oakland. The two organizations have joined forces to create a sponsorship of strength and respect while elevating our unified mission to celebrate and support the cultures and diversity of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer+ (LGBTQ+) community in Oakland and the surrounding Bay Area.

We will be tabling and providing information regarding the center’s services. Stop by and say hi!

If you would like to volunteer, please reach out to

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